Simple bodywork that can improve the relationship you have with your horse.

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Why you don't have to be a professional bodyworker to help your horse reduce tension and improve communication.

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Everyone knows that horses accumulate tension over time, that's why the equine bodywork industry has taken off.

Now if your horse is the exception and moves perfectly, is never sore, always calm with a great attitude - you don't need to keep reading.

For the rest of us though, I wanted to tell you about an online course I have developed. This course consists of simple techniques that the average horse-person can do for their horses in-between professional sessions. These techniques will have huge benefits for their body and also their mind.

I will help you first identify areas of tension in your horse. Then show you how to develope feel and observe cues that your horse is giving you. As you continue on this program you will notice your horse opening up, showing you more than they ever have before. It is truly amazing.

Hi, My name is Erin Sauer. I am a licensed Animal Massage Practicioner who has been working professionally with horses for over a decade. Initially, my job was to help horses perform better and help with physical muscle and range of motion issues that may be holding them back. After doing this for many years I was astounded by how much my work did for horses emotionally also. They seemed happier, they loved seeing me and some behavioral issues the owners were stuggling with started disappearing! I also started giving people simple things they could do on their own (homework) in between my sessions. I was able to tell who was doing their homework and who wasn't by how the horse was the next time I came out. Their own horse's bodies told on them!

That is why I have developed this online course. I want to show every horse owner how to enrich the relationship between themselves and their horse while improving the physical well being of the animal. When these two things line up the disconnect between mind and body can disappear.

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Welcome to Winning Your Horses Heart Through Bodywork

Through this clinic I'm going to show you how to open a whole new form of communication between you and your horse. A form of communication that goes both ways.

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Strengthen Your Bond through Bodywork.

An easy to follow program with step by step training for the everyday horse enthusiast!

Here's What You'll Discover...

Be able to identify areas your horse is holding tension.

Have a range of skills you can use to reduce or remove areas of tension.

Learn forms of communication that your horse may be using and be able to show them you are listening.

Learn what releases of tension look like in your horse and how your particular horse communicates.

Be able to apply these skills in other areas of horsemanship.

and much more...

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Here's Everything You Get...

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Short, easy to follow videos

Specially made videos that focus on small areas to make learning easy to do and information easy to remember! ($500 Value)

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Safety Tips and Tricks

As all horse people know being safe is number 1. Each video has safety tips to make sure you keep your face out of places it doesn't belong. (Invaluable $$$)

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Lifetime Access

We all know that life can get busy.... or cold! No need to rush. With lifetime access you can visit and revisit the info whenever you need. ($500 Value)

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Access to a private facebook community

Added bonus of a private facebook community of fellow horse enthusiasts where we come together to learn from others who are taking the course. Also, be able to submit short videos to Erin for feedback and watch the videos that others have submitted. A pool of knowledge for those who like to swim.

($200 Value)

Order today and receive a bonus section!

Learn how to judge if your horse has a full range of motion in the neck and legs!

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Neck Range of Motion

($49 Value)

Does your horse use its entire neck properly or is it stuck in some areas? Carrot stretches are great for horses with a full ROM in the neck, but what if they are stuck?

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Leg Range of Motion

($49 Value)

Your horse isn't lame but they just aren't moving out. Leg ROM is one place to check when things seem off.

Start an all new journey with your horse today!

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My Money Back Guarantee!

I know this course is going to help you become a better horse person. I am so confident I am backing it up by a 90 day money back guarantee.

How Horses Communicate: Learning about Release, Relaxation, Enjoyment and Concern

How Horses Communicate: Learning about Release, Relaxation, Enjoyment and Concern

Horses communicate through a fascinating mix of cues and body language that can sometimes be confusing. To simplify this, I’ve put together a simple video that explores the distinct signals of release, relaxation, enjoyment, and concern. Learn why understanding these subtle differences is essential for beginning a stronger bond and more effective interaction with your horse.

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Winning Your Horse's Heart Through Bodywork

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